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I've searched and searched for jobs in my field of expertise; wine, beverage world, but nothing seems to come of it.

I've sent out 55 resume's, NO JOKE. I've had an expert resume' writer wordsmith my resume'; sent it out to all the big players in the adult beverage world; LVMH, Sauzerac, Diego (of whom I used to work for), etc. All to hear "although your experience and supplier accumen is impressive, we've decided to hire from within or go a different route. Or "we believe that you're over-qulalified for this position." However you want to word spin it, you just cannot take it personally. HR people are not looking at all the resume's that are pouring in. A computer algorithm is doing their vetting.

So, where to now??? Do you keep banging your head against the wall expecting a differnet result, do you keep trying aimlessly knowing that ageism is a fucking real thing or do you spin it and say this is the Universe or God's way of saying this is not the right path for you. TURN YOUR SKIS, there's an apspen tree, TURN NOW. Spin it a different way. I'll go back into the wine world creating something my way. A different capacity of being in the wine biz. Not working for a bozo. Working for myself. Cheesecakes, low-sulfite/low-sugar wines.....? Sounds like a good combo to me. Let's face it, I never belonged in Corporate America anyway- too many layers, too much bullshit. I got tired of the rhetoric, the nonsence paperwork and all the bureaucracy. Salespeople sell; they need to use their God-given gifts, their personality, their ability to entertain, use their sense of humor, their knowledge, their creativity to build relationships and their empire, promote their products and their brands to enhance other peoples lives. This is why I was put on this earth, to create, build relationships and develop a brand. The brand is ME, my cheesecakes and my ideas.

Entrepreneurs are unique. They dance to a different drummer for sure. When you stick people like that in a traditional corporate office, they die a very slow death. I know myself. I have to be free, to run free, to create , think outside the box. That's when I'm at my best. KNOW THYSELF!

Don't buy into the bullshit of society. DO YOU!

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