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I Believe people play sports like they live their lives...

I used to play junior and college tennis. The players that pissed me off the most were the junk baller/pushers. Hit the freakin' ball. The slicers, hackers, annoying lobbers. The underhand servers. The gamesmanship, shitty line callers, when in doubt call it outers, stallers, drama queens, hypochondriacs with miraculous recoveries... Awhg. Just thinking about them makes me roll my eyes and breathe a giant SIGH. I'm straight up, what you see is what you get. No BS. This is the way I live my life. I hit the ball, develop the point, use the angles, go for an ace, put enough spin on the ball to get it where I want to go and clear the net, but again no BS. The only time I lob is when I need to get back in the court or a teeny tiny person charges the net, but that's it. There have been times in my life where I wasn't living my truth or playing my game, but I woke up and said to myself this job or person in my life is a junk baller, time to take it out of the air or take it on the rise. Eliminate them. I'm not saying you pull out your silencer, I'm saying, like in a tennis match, it's time to finish the match and remove them from the draw. Life is like a tennis match. Sometimes you have to reset, pick up that fucking ball that you hit into the net on your double fault and start a new set. I try very hard to keep the junk ballers at bay. Sometimes they wear a disguise, sometimes they use your power and most of the time they come with an agenda. I do not come with any agendas. They come in all shapes and sizes, with penises and vijayjays, but they all want they same thing. They want to use your power/your light force and will do anything to defeat you or have you defeat yourself. Those passive/aggressive types.

So play your game, stick to your guns, don't let them play mind games or get in your way. Better yet, don't let them in...

Then you have the chip and charge types. You can see these people coming. I like these people, you know what you're going to get plus they give you a target to aim for. They're usually more aggressive, don't like to waste time, don't have time for nonsense.

Then you have the "not sure what you're going to get that day." It's either in or out. No rhythm. One day they're happy and the next day they're sad or mad. Very inconsistent in their approach, but that's their personality. But when they're on and they tree out of their minds, there's no stopping them. They usually hit the hell out of the ball. One pace. They go for big shots at all times. Tough to be friends with, tough to have as a doubles partner, be related to or in a relationship with; you never know what you're going to get.

Then you have the showboaters. They usually have a bunch of rackets, a big entourage, lots of flash, lots of hoopla. You know the type. These type of people and players don't bother me. They pull out a shot between their legs, a massive forehand or super fancy serve. I wouldn't put them in the same category as intimidators, but you could fall prey if you're not on YOUR game. Don't buy into it.

Then you have your bullies/intimidators. They're usally bigger, stronger, taller, louder, and they can definitely be men or women. Sometimes the junk ballers can fall into this category too. They're on the cusp. I'm not a fan of bullies. Buyer beware. You have to stay in your lane and figure them out quickly before the match is over and they cut you off. They love head games, they love to stare you down, thrust their chests out and let you know that they're the Queen or King. They love to control the situation and always need all the attention at all costs. They'll even go to the length of complete self-embassment/absurdness to get the attention on them when things aren't going their way.

Tennis and all sports for that matter bring out our true selves. I've learned through living that you have to be true to yourself, stick to your guns and play YOUR game no matter what. If you happen to let the type of player/person into your life that pushes your buttons or gets in your way, I believe that God has sent them to you to handle once and for all. Step up, take it on the rise and wait for your opening to eliminate them. Better yet, BE TRUE TO YOU and PLAY YOUR GAME.

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