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Drive your OWN ship. Stay on your course.

My Mom is a huge mentor for me, not huge in the sense of big, but rather very IMPORTANT to me. She seems to get me, understands me and knows how to motivate me. Sometimes she comes in with the perverbial stage slap or bitch slap, like come on Donna, don't think with your heart, use your head. I've learned that I perform better in life when I live by my instincts and live in the moment. Just trust and be in that moment. That's what Yoga has taught me. Your breath is the link to the present. Yoga helps me have clarity and it provides me with lazer like focus where no one can come in and distrupt me from my goals. It also brings me to my center and true authenticity of who I really am. This is how I found myself again. The real Donna Clooney. Not just Jake's Mom, well I am and proud of it, but so much more. It also helps me make clear decisions in the moment, big, huge decisions without any emotion. I take the E out of EMOTION and turn it into MOTION. Just act, trust the gut and go for it. I'm learning that overthinking is bunk. Just weigh the options and make an informed decision like a business decision. This is how I played tennis with success, when I kept it easy, uncomplicated, instinctual. When I got into my head and thought about mechanics, playing that other person over the net, the score, ect, it felt forced. So I live in the moment, focus on what's right in front of me.

So back to the point; Why am I referring to the ship analogy? I'm a water kid and so is my Mom. I love boats and being near, on or in water. I love water skiing, basically anything that has to do with water. I dream of buying a Cris Craft, beautifully honed, classic beauty and taking that bad boy out free as a bird. That is my idea of style. Imagine taking that beautiful boat out on a sunset cruise with a hot guy and a glass of wine- of course low-sulfite, low-sugar wine... That's romantic. A guaraunteed sure thing... One of my many dreams...I digress...Anywho, what my Mom says to me is drive your own ship, don't let anyone come in and take over your ship, if they try, kick them off the ship and tell them to take the dingy. So if you want on my ship, swab the decks, chill out and come along for the ride, but don't take over or you'll be in a dingy floating aimlessly out to sea...This also refers to doing your own thing. Stay the course or stay on your own course. You know what you love and what you're good at so don't compare yourself to anyone. Do your own thing. This is very important for women and girls. Of course it's important for dudes too, but women tend to be pitted against each other. Why, I don't know. Who gives a shit, there's always going to be someone with bigger tits, a smaller ass, bigger ass (so in now..I don't get it), taller, prettier, younger, richer, blah blah blah, the list goes on, BUT the kicker is, they are NOT YOU. There will never be another you. Just listen to Tay Tay's new album- Lover, "ME." Be you and do you.

So, (there I go with another so..) stay on your own ship, stay on your course until you get out to calm water and to your ultimate destination.

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