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Updated: Jul 2, 2020

Divorce is like Chinese Water torture during a drought. Drip, drop, OMG...

Divorce is like going to the OBGYN everyday for a papsmear.

Divorce is like driving through Kansas with a full bladder. That state goes on forever.

Divorce is like having your pubic hair pulled out one by one.

Divorce takes forever especially in this antiquated state that I reside in...NC. Why does this take so long? Who needs a year of separation? Don't you already know by now that this doesn't work. Who makes these rules? Time to go, pull the plug, get the hook, it's over. Who needs a year to think about this? I made up my mind a long time ago. I'm ready. Someone told me the year is for the child/children. WHAT? I think the longer you drag this on, the harder it is on everyone and the only people making out like bandits are the lawyers... I met this random guy who said, "women make out like bandits in a divorce, the dudes get the shaft." The only shaft they're left standing with is their own, in their hands...HA. I TOTALLY DISAGREE. They think this is a cake walk for the woman. NO. There should be a faster process especially when dealing with an obstructionist. Drive through Divorce. Both parties agree, sign here, bang, here's half. GOODBYE. Why drag it out, the ship has sailed.

Divorce is painful, but it is also a time of finding out who you really are and what you really want. You also find out how fucking strong you really are. Whether or not your heart is broken, you become impervious. Nothing affects you. You are so tough, you suit up in your armour everyday and you're ready for battle. Even if someone tries to knock you off center with some cruel or judgy comment or even tries to take advantage of you; somehow you reset, find your center and fight back even harder. You're ready for anything, you'll go toe to toe with some asshole and never back down. You'll push back on some male chauvinist who makes a condescending remark, you'll stop anyone that tries to get in your way, tries to convince you, tries to fuck with you. You become calloused in a good way. You'll get back up and drop the gloves when he tries to destroy you financially, you'll fight back when some asshole oversteps his bounds, tries to grope you, you'll learn to see the curve balls and the douchebags very quickly. Zig and zag. It's like you're in training for the fight of your life.

Takeaway: Divorce is hard and ridiculously long (in NC.), freedom is VERY expensive, but worth every penny. SO DON'T BACK DOWN.

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