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D.I.V.O.R.C.E: Can't spell the word Divorce without OVER.

How many words can you spell from the word D-I-V-O-R-C-E?

First is the word OVER. It's donezo, caput, pull the plug.

Then there's DIRE. Dire straits and no, I'm not referring to the popular 80's band, "Money for nothin' and your chicks for free..."

DIVE and DIVER. You take a long leap off the cliff and free dive into nothingnesses. You hope, as the diver, you enter the water with as little splash as possible.

RIDE: You take a very long ride on the money train that keeps pouring out to the lawyers.

DICE: You definitely roll the dice on how long it's going to take and if you come out the other side fully intact. And the funny thing is, you do. You're better, stronger, funnier, more sarcastic and calloused in a good way.

VOICE: I've definitely found my voice. You push back on everything. I've got something to say and I'm going to let you know how I feel, straight up.

VICE: I've definitely have a dedicated happy hour at my house, starting at 5. The Tito's and Polar Seltzer-Vanilla (with copious amounts of fresh lime) come out of the liquor cabinet. Then it's followed by Low-sulfite low-residual sugar wine. I usually partake in the white varietals; sauvignon blanc and they (Dry Farm Wines) have sent me all types of white blends. This reminds me, I need to blog about these wines. I have had a bit too much lately, seems like the acid or maybe an allergy to the varietal is making my lips swollen-instant botox. Could also be a different strain of yeast: who knows, but it goes down way too smooth and easily. No hangovers, all natural wines. Just swollen lips. Maybe it's time to order some reds or drink less...that's no fun.

CORE: It's definitely a hit to the core, a massive body shot when you go through a divorce. But you can also look at it as time to get the core in shape. This is how I approached it. I have rebuilt my core so now I have 6 pack abs and I have gained inner strength from Yoga.

RICE: I really don't know how this pertains to Divorce. But I eat a lot of Quaker Oats no salt Rice Cakes every day with lunch. I'll leave it at that.

DIE: Sometimes you feel like you're going to die. It takes so long and the process is painful. But you go through so many stages and then you look back and think, WTF, why does this shit take so long? Don't kill yourself over divorce, you might want to kill your ex at times, get your money first...but then you'd go to jail... that would suck. So, in the end you won't die.

CIDER: This should be included in the Vice category. I do not partake in cider, but no judgement here. To each his own.

This is my take on the words that can spelled from the ominous word Divorce.

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